Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Coming

I have been very bad about posting any updates & pictures. Things have been crazy and with better weather the twinadoes want to be outside all the time.

Their birthday festivities this past weekend were a hit. They had a blast at Memphis Kiddie Park, as did some of the adults! It was delightful to see my kids having so much fun with UB and Aunty Kathy.

Planning a kid party and a BBQ in the same day was not my most brillant idea, but it worked with the help of friends and neighbors. We only had about 90 minutes once we got home from the kiddie park to set up for the BBQ.

We are looking forward to the next couple days of 80+ weather and the big surprise this weekend for the twinadoes: Thomas the Train at Cuyahoga Valley Line. They have never been on a train, let alone THE train of their dreams!!! I can't wait.

If you are in C-town, enjoy this summer weather!

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