After stuffing ourselves silly on turkey brussel sprouts ( no joke, Bill made THE best brussel sprouts any of us have ever had) and braving black Friday for the first time (you MUST experience Wal-Mart as it opens for Black Friday shopping once in your life), we had decorating to do.
Grammy and Aunt Deb fighting over the sinful (made with cream cheese, butter & cream) mashed potatoes.
The sprouts
Chowing on a turkey quesadilla
I curb-shopped a Christmas tree a few weeks ago. Some people had it, along with a bunch of exercise equipment, on their tree lawn with a "free" sign on it. I thought it might be fun for Reagan and Nolan to have a tree in their room that they can decorate however they want, and all the better that it was FREE. We'll work on decorations during the next month, but they are thrilled with just lights, garland, and a few jingle bell ornaments for now.
Nolan is just like Mommy, always has a camera in hand.
The next day we moved to the outside to decorate. They were a big help. Not joking either. They carried all the candy canes out for me and helped hold cords for Bill. It is the first year we've had our act together since moving here and it is nice to have "decorates" outside again. We did a little lighting ceremony, a la Clark Griswold, and I loved their "wow's" in whispered voices. So cute.

About as crafty as I get!
Next was the big tree. We gave up our glass ornaments last year, as you can imagine why. The kids had fun putting all of their ornaments on about 4 branches. I don't care. They were so proud that they decorated the tree.
Next up.....wrapping. Need to figure out how to wrap hula hoops.
Cute blog! I also have twins. Can you wrap the hula hoops with ribbon?
Great idea with the ribbon....and the kids will like that wrapping a lot.
Twins are so much fun!!!!
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