A few of my blog followers like to hear about my shopping exploits, so here goes.
My mom took the kids on an adventure, so I could do my errands in peace and quiet. You know couponing is serious business, right?
Here are some highlights from stops at Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid & Giant Eagle:
Spend $20 of Vicks products, get $10 RR (register rewards)
Bought 4 Vicks Products @ $5.00 each
- (4) $1.50 coupons
+ 2 coupons for buy 2 Vicks products, get a free puffs tissue
Total for 2 Nyquils, 1 VapoSyrup, 1 box of Dayquil, and 2 family size puffs: $14 - $10 RR= $4
Also had a coupon for 'free' Excederin (5.99 value). I found a box of 100 count Excederin Migraine packaged with a free 24 count bottle for $6.99 -5.99 coupon= $1 for 124 Excederin!
While this doesn't top the BOX of pampers I (well, Bill got...I sent him with the scenario all written out and he executed perfectly) got for $1.99, it does rank up there as one of my best WAGS deals ever!
Giant Eagle
I like to have the cashier scan my card at the end of the transaction. It is gratifying to me to see the dollars go rolling off. Couple that with a coupon/sale for every item (minus blueberries, which Sal Reagan can't live without) I bought equated to a 44% savings on the grocery bill.
The best deal I scored here was on No Yolks Egg Noodles. They were on sale 3/$5. I had (3) $.75 coupons. At Giant Eagle those double to $1.50. So I ended up paying $.50 for 3 packages of noodles.
The savings breakdown:
Mfg coupon savings $14.51
Bonus Card savings: $5.35
Store Coupons: $4.15
Total: $24.01 savings
Rite Aid
Rite Aid, oh how I love thee. There are always good sales and lately there have been a lot of items discountinued that are marked 50-75% off. I usually am running in while someone sits in the car with the kids, so I don't get to stroll the aisles for deals, but today I had a chance to do that and scored some good stuff.
Some of the highlights here:
Pampers Mega packs BOGO 50%
Pampers (1) @ $17.99
(1) @ 8.99
- (2) $2 coupons
- (2) $10 coupon (one from Pampers and one a quarterly savings check from Rite Aid)
$27-14-10= $3 for TWO Mega packs of Pampers
Satin Care Shave Gel
$1 SCR (single check rebate)
-.$55 coupon
$.06 money maker --I'm not sure why this rang up at $1.49, it was supposed to 1.99 and not be a money maker. I just realized this as I was typing this out.
My total coupon savings: $31.05.
The total bill was around $21 for 2 boxes of cereal, 2 bottles of Excederin, 2 ring pops for the kids Easter basket, and a box of Huggies. Considering that the diapers were $19.99, I'd say I did pretty good here.