Nolan has sucked a paci since day 1. You can hear him sigh when he takes his first suck, he loves it that much. It's his crack.
I have been reluctant to push him to ditch it. Kids are forced to grow up too fast thse days and I don't have a problem with him being comforted by a paci. About a year ago, it was limited to crib and car rides only. He knows that the two he has in his crib and the one that stays in the car are the very last ones we have.
Today in the car, I heard an "uh-oh" come from over my right shoulder. And then, "my paci has a hole in it." "It's broken. I have to throw it away." WHAT?! I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I told him I thought it was a good idea and that it is so much nicer to not have it in the car so we could talk and sing more clearly. I told him I was sure he was going to be just fine without it.
When we got home, I asked to see it and he wouldn't even let me look at it. He had it in his fist. He asked me to take off the lid to the garbage can in the garage and he unceremoniously tossed it in with the dirty diapers. I told him to say good-bye and give it a wave, just to make it more final.
When we went to gym & swim tonight, he got into his seat and asked for it. I reminded him that HE threw it away. He was fine for the ride to the Y. He asked for it again when we got in the car (he and I were alone, Reagan wanted to ride with Bill) and I told him I liked him not having it. He said, "Yeah, we can talk now."
So we did. We talked about him growing up, we talked about what we had done today, and we sang Duran Duran songs. He asked me to go to the store and buy him another and I told him that we couldn't do that.
It was weird looking in my mommy-mirror and not seeing that big green disc sticking out of his yop.
He's growing up, all on his own. Now, if he'd only potty train himself!
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