Sunday, January 10, 2010

This Weather Is For The Dogs

Reagan and Nolan had a playdate of the 4-legged sort this morning. Their best pal, Ginger, came over to romp in the snow.

The three of them had a great time!

They romped, ate icicles, played on the swingset, and just plain ran around. Well, as much as the three of them could with snow up to knees and belly.

Hanging out with Aunt Deb. The kids call this part of the woods, "Kalahari." Think they obsess much about that place?!
"Higher Uncle Sam!" -Reagan
Nolan & Ginger checking out the view of the front yard.
Alleviated the need for the afternoon Popsicles!
There wasn't a corner of the yard that went unexplored.

I don't know about Ginger, but the twinadoes came in the house and took a nice warm bath, ate lunch, and Nolan was down for the count. Reagan has skipped her afternoon nap two days in a row now. She does stay in her crib and is (for the most part) quiet so at least her body is resting. And so is Mommy's brain!

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