A first I forgot!
Babies 1st Indians Home Opener.
This used to be a big deal in our household. Bill had been to every HO for years. We took a break one year as a trip to Puerto Vallarta overlapped opening day and being 7.5 months pregnant with twins last year, I opted out.
During the game last year, I was envisioning that in '08 we would dress the kids in their Tribe gear and head down to the JAKE, as a family, to check out the brick we bought Daddy for Father's Day in the Heritage Park.
That is not happening.
First, we forgot to get tickets and it sold out in like 5 minutes. Second, it is not the JAKE anymore :-( Third, Daddy is in San Francisco. No family experience happening today. Since it is supposed to be a nicer day, I actually thought about taking the kids downtown just to experience the Opening Day Atmosphere.
Who am I kidding.
After being up half the night with a barfing CAT --not kid---CAT, and going to gym and swim at the Y this morning, I'm not going to be up for dragging these kids anywhere! We'll send Grammy out for some baseball game food and sit in front of the TV... for the 5 minutes the kids will allow me without wanting to climb all over me. On second thought, maybe I will take them to a restaurant so I can actually see an inning or two! LOL
Anyway, GO TRIBE!!! I'll probably end up catching the score on the news, if I can stay awake that long. Please, no barfing tonight Chandler!
I set up some templates in photoshop last night and had hoped to get some good pictures of Reagan and Nolan in their outfits. I guess I need to lower my expectations of "good" photos of 2 10-month olds! LOL Here are some outtakes :)
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