Friday, March 28, 2008

So Many New Things

It seems like a switch got turned on inside Reagan and Nolan in the last couple of weeks. They are really trying to communicate. Reagan started clapping and hasn't stopped. Nolan began making these noises with his lips and tongue, that neither Bill or I can duplicate. They both figured out how to crawl up the stairs. Yes, gates are being installed ASAP. Nolan is getting faster and faster at furniture walking and Reagan let go of both my hands for a brief second and stood before grabbing back on.

I'm trying to work on the kids 1st birthday party invitations. I've got it pretty much how I want it and I just need a "now" photo of the kids. I got them dressed in their birthday onesies the other day and tried to take a decent photo. Reagan has started this new thing and when she sees the camera she wrinkles up her nose and face like she is smelling poopy! EVERY.SINGLE.PICTURE looks like this. Help me!!!!!

On a somber note, my cousin JoAnne's brother-in-law passed away this week. He was 47. You'll remember that JoAnne lost her husband, Joe, a couple of years ago and he was barely 40. No mother should have to bury two of her sons. Just a reminder to hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight since you never know what tomorrow will bring.

1 comment:

Michelle Trif said...

Shell- I am LOVING that picture of the kids! They are precious! Ava makes the same face as Reagan and she makes noises (more like grunts) to go along. I can't believe how fast they are growing! I'm really enjoying your blog! -michelle