Monday, January 5, 2009

If You Look Up Ornery In The Dictionary

this picture appears next to it.....
And then there is sweetness.
Miss Reagan has begun speaking in sentences. For example if they are not exactly asleep and someone goes in the room to check on them, she pops up and yells, "I see you." "I see Nolan." The first time she did it, I laughed out loud. She is also assigning ownership to things. Mommy's chair, Daddy's shoes. She even brings Daddy his shoes when it time to go bye-bye and sets them down at his feet. She is a helper when she wants to be. She also named the squirrels & deer that frolic in our front yard. They are "nuts"and "bami" (not a typ-o, just bami.)
Nolan is excellent at counting to 14. We count the steps every morning when we come down. His favorite is 13. They both yell it! He also does really well with the alphabet and anything that is a song. He is very muscially inclined. Always tapping his feet and clapping his hands. He knows the tunes of twinkle, twinkle, the backyardigans theme, itsy bitsy spider, wheels on the bus, and many others.

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