Ok, before we get to the fun part of the day let me hit you with the health reports.
Grandpa....Ups and downs. He is convinced that the staff at the nursing home is starving him. He will say, "I know I have a feeding tube, but you don't understand, I'm hungry." That just sucks. I can't imagine not physically eating. Obviously, I enjoy it (too much since I've gained back almost all the weight I had lost, but that is for another beat-myself-up post) so I can't imagine not physically putting food in the mouth, chewing, tasting, etc. I don't seem him getting strong enough to have the surgery anytime soon so I think we could be flying in this holding pattern for quite some time.
Me..... I need my head examined. Literally. Since Thursday I have been having this burning, pins & needles sensation inside my body. All over. Joints, muscles, etc. It comes and goes in different places. I put on my webmd hat and picked a few things it could be. Lyme disease, Lupus, or Fibromyalgia. The doctor ordered blood work today, mainly to test the thyroid so we'll see what it comes back as. If it doesn't show anything, than I will have an MRI of the brain. Good times. Not.
So after the
vampire technician took many tubes of blood, I met up with the kids and my mom at the spray park. My how times have changed. Last year I couldn't get Nolan out of the place. This year it took him a long time to even think about putting his toes in the water. When I asked either of them if they wanted to go back to the spray park, they said, "NO!" I'm sure we will try again, but I don't see us spending copious amounts of time at the spray park this summer.
Reagan and Grammy splashing around.
My boy. Contemplating the water. I just love those little freckles that are popping out. Good kissing spots.

My bathing beauty.

Where did this skinny boy come from. Honestly, he eats well. Sure wish I had his metabolism!
Random kid losing his drawers at the spray park.

We continued to enjoy the beautiful day by having a picnic at a little playground far away from the spray park.
And now, they snore.
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