This blog was originally set up as a means of keeping friends and family updated during Nolan's surgery and hospital stay in January 2008. It has evolved into a report of the adventures he and his twin sister, Reagan, AKA "The Twinadoes" share with their family and friends. As well as our pursuit of happiness through food, wine, and friends.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Bug
Dear Stomach Flu,
You got Bill last week.
Last night you came for Reagan and I.
Stay away from my boy.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Time Flies
Well, I blinked and 4 days have gone by!
Let's try and remember what we did over the past 96 hours....
Thursday was typical. Story time with Grammy, shopping, and then lunch with our twin friends, Eva, Lydia, their mom, and Grandma (one of my mom's oldest friends and also her hip surgery buddy from the summer.) We stopped on the way home to check out the lake. We were expecting some lake effect snow and I knew the water would be kicking up. There were tons of gulls bobbing in the water and Reagan kept yelled "Duckie, Duckie!"We also made up our Gym & Swim that we missed on Monday due to Daddy's stomach flu and Mommy's bum tooth. A very busy and exhausting day for Mommy.
Friday we had a Toddlin' Towards Nature program, Nighty-Night Nature. With the topic, it was obviously later in the afternoon so Daddy went with us and then we met Uncle Sam, Aunt Deb, and Grammy for dinner.
At the school house for stories. I love that hat on Reagan. I had one similar when I was about 5. Nolan saw a plane. He is like Tattoo, yelling P, P, Plane!
Snack time at the story, we brought our favorite animal and blankie. My how far our friend, Monk, has come. He was Nolan's constant companion in the hospital last January. At least he got to go out for a more enjoyable event this time!
Using flash lights to look outside for animals or their tracks.
Saturday we had the usual suspects over for dinner, Grammy (or Meme as the kids have started to call her) Nonny, Grandpa Fred, Uncle, Sam, Aunt Deb and our neighbors. Reagan and Nolan put on a show running in circles around the living room yelling "Get You" and showing off their alphabet and counting skills. There really isn't a word they won't try to say -calculator, galaxies, metronome, shit--yes that is still a funny one to run around saying.
Today I got to go out ALONE this morning. I did my CVS bargain shopping, hit BJ's, and then went to breakfast BY MYSELF. I actually tasted the food I was eating, not shoving it down my throat while trying to keep two 18 month olds satisfied and occupied. I read a book and ate. I thought about how quiet it was and howI missed those little faces and how they share their food so readily with whoever asks. Yes, that is the fatal flaw of a Mommy's heart, as much as you want and need time away, you spend most of it thinking about the little monkeys.
I still have an post to finish about our Abby Normal/Bill's birthday night out from last Saturday, just hang in there!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Adventures Of Reagan and Nolan Continue
Despite my recent tooth problems (2 visits to the dentist in 2 days, still no relief), Reagan and Nolan needed to get out of the house and burn off some energy.
We met our friends-Lori, Sarah, and Matt- for a playdate at Playground World. A few times a week they have free play, where they open up the showroom to kids of all ages and, for an hour, they are free to run around and play.
I was so proud of Nolan. This little boy shared some trains with him. Nolan replied with a "Thank you." He is very good about saying that.
The boys in the kitchen. Hopefully Nolan will follow in his Daddy's footsteps.
Little Miss Daredevil. She scampered up the steps before I even realized where she was going.
Reagan really like playing in the kitchen/50's diner. Nolan liked the train table,the roller coaster, and the kitchen. Looks like Santa-Grammy has picked a winner of a gift this year with the kitchen set she is getting them.
The only bad part was the collective fit thrown by about 20 kids when the lights were turned out signaling the end of playtime.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Then & Now
I've heard from several people that they like the comparison pics so here you go. It's also a quick blog post.... I don't want to get yelled at for not keeping the blog up to date because I'm on facebook all the time :)
November 2007
In their Alcatraz Swim Team shirts. Little butterballs.
November 2008
At the mall germground playground
Watching a "show." They go to the TV and yell SHOW SHOW. Reagan usually requests "Pabo" (Pablo from the Backyardigans) and Nolan asks for "Eintine" (Baby Einstein.)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Family Picture Day
I thought I'd have to chalk this one up in the "What The Hell Was I Thinking" category. You know, Bill, our moms, impatient children, all trying to get a good shot. Well, it was none of the above that basically ruined the photo shoot. It was the fact that it was 50 minutes past our 10:10am appointment and we still hadn't stepped foot in the portrait studio.
If I wanted an 11am appointment, I would have made it for that time!
I know my kids. I know what times of the day they are going to cooperate and what times are bordering on lunch and nap times,the times when things might not go so well. That is why I made the appointment for a time when they have eaten breakfast, maybe even a snack, and are in good moods. It is not yet the down swing to lunch and afternoon nap.
We have had pictures taken at Portrait Innovations before (different location) and loved them. There was a short wait at that one, but nothing outrageous. I'm not sure how a place could only be open for 1 hour and be an hour behind, other than the fact that the cram so many appointments on the books and "hope" the kids will be on their best and whisk them in and out.
As the manager told me "our business model is all about the children and sometimes that means delays." No kidding. If your business is all about the children then you would know that the last place they are going to do what you want them to do is when you are shelling out big bucks for the portrait to adorn your family photo wall, so DON'T SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTS EVERY 10 MINUTES!!!!
By pushing my kids over the limit, they lost money on us. We had 1 workable shot of Reagan alone. Workable. Not fabulous. Nolan, well he is a different bird. We had a tough time picking his best shot. The family ones are fine, except for Reagan (and my moms freshly dyed hair--hey even she admitted it wasn't the best.) Reagan was just so over the whole thing and only wanted me to hold her. I'm amazed we got what we did. The photographer was really skilled at catching just the right moment. She also caught a candid moment between Reagan and Nolan that was the only shot of them together.
We are calling it "The Kiss."
Reagan likes to Kiss Nolan on the head. The other night they were both fussy so they came to hang out in bed with us. Reagan didn't realize Nolan was already there and I quietly asked Bill exactly where Nolan was in bed. It was dark and I didn't want to sit on him. When she heard his name, she started saying "Nolee, Nolee, Nolee" and reaching for him, until she found him and planted one on his dome with a loud "MMMMWAAHH." I figured it would calm her down if I told her Nolan needed a kiss. It did......for a minute.
So, here the photos. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Enjoy. Laugh. I can now. We bumped into a fellow MoM (mom of multiples) and a high school friend of mine while getting the pictures done. She said her kids went for pictures at 18 months and not again until they were 4. That might be the plan for us! If only we hadn't started the running portrait wall.......
The good one. It was just supposed to Grammy and grandkids, but Reagan was having none of that.
Sticking her tongue out at the picture lady.


It looks like she is trying to pull a tooth
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
President Elect
According to Reagan the POTUSA is Omama. LOL
Bill adds: I can't let this one slide. It's Veteran's Day, and I think it's an Obomination to not acknowledge the sacrifice made by our veterans. This "Moment in History" would not have been possible without the people who served (and are serving) our country. Regardless of the current economic situation or blunders by our current president, all of us have a lot of things for which to be thankful, and much of it is because of those who served.
So instead of letting this day's post be merely about my bright daughter knowing the name of someone who never served in the Armed Forces and will become NCA*, I'd rather have it be about another couple of words that both Nolan & Reagan have been using as of late (which pleases me to no end). To those people such as my father (WWII Combat Engineer), my friend Will (SF Medic), our friend Michelle (AF1 Comm Officer), and countless others who served our country:
Thank you.
*National Command Authority
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Nolan's Nap
Dear Nolan,
Today I put you and Reagan down for a nap, but you only stayed in your bed for about 30 minutes before starting a very sad cry. It doesn't help that you are still completely stuffed up with a cold. I had planned to wash the floors while you guys slept, but you had another idea.
I waited a few minutes and your crying escalated to the one that I know means you won't go back to sleep. I went into your room and you were just sitting there crying. You looked at me and said "UPPIE." How could I resist.
I told you it was still nap time so you needed to lie down with me and close your eyes for a while longer. You were happy to oblige.
It has been many months since I've had a sleeping baby laying on my chest, breathing in unison with me. The difference now is that with your head on my shoulder, your legs touch my thighs. You are just growing too fast.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Last Few Days
Wow, 5 days went by in a blur. We have been non-stop at the pchak household since Halloween.
Saturday we had some family over to celebrate my Grandpa's 86th birthday. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins and UB enjoyed indoctrinating the kids with Cowboys gear and a cheerleader outfit for Reagan.
Grandpa sporting a new Browns hat.
Sunday we tailgated before the painful Browns game. I have never felt the wind go out of 80,000 fans collectively like I did last Sunday. What a disappointment.
My three stooges.....
(Bill adds: Just one of countless,"last known photo", Duran Duran poses that Ed & I have done over the years. You'd be surprised at some of the "guest" band members that have been in the photos.)

Monday was a day to catch up. I dropped off my absentee ballot and did a bunch of other errands before we started the new session of gym and swim at the Y. There is only 1 other child in the class and, while it is nice to have lots of room in the pool I like it when there are lots of other kids to interact with. Kind of the whole point of taking them to these classes.
Tuesday Uncle Bob came over and we put him to work. It is so nice that he offers to help out around the house when he is here for a visit. It means a job is going to get crossed off our list and it will be done perfectly. This visit he painted our front and side doors. They look awesome. He spent the night (our first overnight guest in this house) and finished the job up on Wednesday. The kids got used to him being around pretty quickly and Reagan cried when he left....which started Nolan crying (no idea what he was crying about, but hey, his sister was doing it so he might as well too!)
Tomorrow is story time and probably the last of the really nice weather so I'm sure we will hit the park. If I'm not really down with the cold that Nolan and Reagan have so kindly passed on to me.
Anyway, a rather boring post but it gets you up to date on what we have been up to.
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