Sunday, November 23, 2008

Time Flies

Well, I blinked and 4 days have gone by! Let's try and remember what we did over the past 96 hours....
Thursday was typical. Story time with Grammy, shopping, and then lunch with our twin friends, Eva, Lydia, their mom, and Grandma (one of my mom's oldest friends and also her hip surgery buddy from the summer.) We stopped on the way home to check out the lake. We were expecting some lake effect snow and I knew the water would be kicking up. There were tons of gulls bobbing in the water and Reagan kept yelled "Duckie, Duckie!"We also made up our Gym & Swim that we missed on Monday due to Daddy's stomach flu and Mommy's bum tooth. A very busy and exhausting day for Mommy.
After stories, checking out the fire truck in the children's room at the library.
Friday we had a Toddlin' Towards Nature program, Nighty-Night Nature. With the topic, it was obviously later in the afternoon so Daddy went with us and then we met Uncle Sam, Aunt Deb, and Grammy for dinner.
At the school house for stories. I love that hat on Reagan. I had one similar when I was about 5. Nolan saw a plane. He is like Tattoo, yelling P, P, Plane! Snack time at the story, we brought our favorite animal and blankie. My how far our friend, Monk, has come. He was Nolan's constant companion in the hospital last January. At least he got to go out for a more enjoyable event this time!
Reagan's snacks are all gone.
Using flash lights to look outside for animals or their tracks. Saturday we had the usual suspects over for dinner, Grammy (or Meme as the kids have started to call her) Nonny, Grandpa Fred, Uncle, Sam, Aunt Deb and our neighbors. Reagan and Nolan put on a show running in circles around the living room yelling "Get You" and showing off their alphabet and counting skills. There really isn't a word they won't try to say -calculator, galaxies, metronome, shit--yes that is still a funny one to run around saying. Today I got to go out ALONE this morning. I did my CVS bargain shopping, hit BJ's, and then went to breakfast BY MYSELF. I actually tasted the food I was eating, not shoving it down my throat while trying to keep two 18 month olds satisfied and occupied. I read a book and ate. I thought about how quiet it was and howI missed those little faces and how they share their food so readily with whoever asks. Yes, that is the fatal flaw of a Mommy's heart, as much as you want and need time away, you spend most of it thinking about the little monkeys.
I still have an post to finish about our Abby Normal/Bill's birthday night out from last Saturday, just hang in there!

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