Dear Nolan,
Today I put you and Reagan down for a nap, but you only stayed in your bed for about 30 minutes before starting a very sad cry. It doesn't help that you are still completely stuffed up with a cold. I had planned to wash the floors while you guys slept, but you had another idea.
I waited a few minutes and your crying escalated to the one that I know means you won't go back to sleep. I went into your room and you were just sitting there crying. You looked at me and said "UPPIE." How could I resist.
I told you it was still nap time so you needed to lie down with me and close your eyes for a while longer. You were happy to oblige.
It has been many months since I've had a sleeping baby laying on my chest, breathing in unison with me. The difference now is that with your head on my shoulder, your legs touch my thighs. You are just growing too fast.

Nolan, thank you for crying today. You forced me to take time to enjoy the being you are.
Thank you for every snore, snort, suck on the paci, twitch in your sleep, and sigh.
Thank you for throwing your arms around my neck in a big hug and, later, when you shifted position, you did your typical move when you cuddle..... you put your right arm at your side, palm facing out.
Thank you for every strand of hair that tickled my nose when I inhaled. The way the waves of your hair parted, I could see your scar. I kissed every inch of it.
Thank you for turning your head into my neck. Your exhales warmed my soul.
Thank you for being the son I dreamed of having for so many years. You are everything I could imagine my little boy would be and so much more.
Thank you for my tears that wet my pillow.
Thank you for the best nap I've had in a long time.
The dirt is still on the floor, but there is always tomorrow for that. I captured a moment with you I will treasure always.
I love you buddy,
thank you for that entry, it was touching and made me cry...
I love this entry! So true! There are days I do not get anything done, but I have played with my child all day or held her. How rare we get to get the whole day to do this. When there is a chance, I am thankful. This entry you made made me realize that time is precious, and how they grow up so fast, to not get in the I need to do this now thinking, but spend more time with my daughter. There maybe a spot that needs to be cleaned in the kitchen, but it will have to wait. My daughter is number one! :)
I'll never get this age back with Reagan or Nolan, so each time something like this occurs I try to take it all in.
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