This blog was originally set up as a means of keeping friends and family updated during Nolan's surgery and hospital stay in January 2008. It has evolved into a report of the adventures he and his twin sister, Reagan, AKA "The Twinadoes" share with their family and friends. As well as our pursuit of happiness through food, wine, and friends.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Prayers For Jaime
In a six-degrees-of-seperation moment years ago, we discovered that an old friend I used to twirl baton with when I was a pre-teen, Sheryl, is married to the trombone player in Abby Normal (our favorite local band), Tom.
They have two adorable sons, Jared & Jaime.
Little Jaime is in need of some prayers. He was born with Right-Sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia a couple of weeks ago, and will be having surgery on Friday to correct this.
He faces a long and winding road, but with the awesome family he has (Tom & Sheryl have done everything humanly possible to give Jaime an easier start to life) and some thoughts and prayers I know he is going to come through this like a trooper.
Sheryl is doing an awesome job keeping us all up-to-date with a blog.
We only spent several days in the PICU when Nolan had his surgery and it gets to you. Sheryl always keeps a bright outlook and is such an awesome Mommy.
So, do whatever you do, and add this special little guy to your list.
Monday, April 27, 2009
April In Cleveland
most times this:
But, today we got to do this!!!
Nolan anticipating the big bucket dump from his sister.
Workin' at the car wash.
Filling up a watering can to water the flowers.
Here comes an airplane.
Sometimes it does this:

Yes, folks. It has been in the 80's here for 3 days. I know today is the last day of it, but I couldn't resist getting a little pool time in. It has also brought to light the fact that our "pool" is going to be too small this summer!
Back to jeans and hoodies tomorrow, but it has sure been nice to see those baby legs for a few days!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Melt My Heart
I took the kids to the park and we stopped to pick up a picnic lunch. When we got there I spread the blanket out and Nolan came right over and backed himself onto my lap. He looked up at me and said, "Hi. I love you, Mommy." Yep. He had me at hello.

Friday, April 24, 2009
The Zoo-m
When I told Reagan and Nolan that I was taking them to the zoo this morning, Reagan ran around the house yelling that she was going to the "Zoo-m!" Crazy kid.
Sunblocked up and ready to go. Love Nolan's cheesy grin.
I met up with some moms from my multiples group, all with kids of varying ages and attention tolerances. One mom and I, Brianne, who I know only through facebook, have kids that are very similar as far as what their attention span will allow so after a while we broke off from the group and did our own abbreviated zoo tour. (I bought a membership today so we will be back plenty to see everything we "missed" this time around.)
Checking out the lion who was enjoying the suns warmth as much as we were!
New friends :)
Multiple Multiples.
"I hear that, too!" "Airplane!"
We had such a good time, but some of the best quotes of day came while we were enjoying some french fries in the McDonalds parking lot before getting on the freeway to go home. It started before we parked the car though. While placing our order a car cut in the drive-through lane in front of us. Reagan yelled, "WAIT YOUR TURN!" She was also shamelessly flirting with the guy that took our money.
Once we parked and she got her fries, she said "fries make Reagan feel better."
After we have done an activity I always talk about it on the way home and ask them what their favorite part of the day was. For Nolan it was the fladingos (sic), and Reagan liked the Jag-u-ar. Of course while we were watching the Jaguar, he started making an awful noise similar to what our cats make just before barfing. As he was doing it, Reagan announced to all that were around us that the "Jaguar is making a kitty barf." Classy.
When we got off the freeway and got to the intersection where Beanie's is (for those that don't know, Beanie's was my Dad's favorite watering hole and I spent many hours there with him, as did a lot of other family and friends). The kids have been in Beanies twice for dinner and I didn't think they remembered it. I should know better. As we sat at the stop light Reagan announced that she'd like to go to Beanies because she like it there. Somewhere Grandpap George was smilin'.
Nolan loves (or lofes in Nolan speak) everything these days..... The sheep, horse, goat, kangaroo, koala bear, etc. Very sweet. He could have stayed at the petting zoo all day. I think the goat would have liked that as well.

It was a fun day, except for my lack of attention to my wardrobe. I wore jeans and a dark shirt and it was 84 degrees!!! Yes, 84 degrees. In April. In Cleveland. Hello global warming. I'm not complaining.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Who Cares About The Earth When There Is Popcorn?
We beat the raindrops by heading to the Earth Day festivities at the Metroparks a little early on Sunday. At Penitentiary Glen there is a wildlife sanctuary that is home to many wild animals that were taken in as pets and then couldn't be handled or injured animals. Reagan and Nolan love to go visit them, especially the fox & the weasel. We spent some time checking in on the animals before heading to the main festivities, a very good idea in the end.
The kids did a couple of crafts, planted a marigold, and got a bunch of free loot. There were train rides on a mini-railroad, but the line was super long and it was already past lunch time and nearing nap time, so we got some popcorn and people watched before heading out.
I love the popcorn series of pics. They had a great time with the box of corn and their canteens.
Hmmm....what do you have there, Reagan?
Sure makes me thirsty
It's Yummy!
The sweet boy.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Shortly after Reagan and Nolan were born (well, really before they were born), my mom needed a hip replacement. She put it off to help me with the babies and then put it off even longer when she didn't want to miss a moments time with them. Last July she finally had it done and recovered very well. I've been hoping that she would finally feel up to an outing with the kids (we do the park, story times and shopping, but nothing with lots of walking) and we finally had some nice weather. Both Grammy and Mother Nature cooperated so off to the Farm Park we went. Perfect timing since we had some free tickets to use up before the end of the month.
Milking a cow...well, petting a cow, he couldn't reach the udder.

Riding the tractor to the barn.
Let's see what we have in here....
Looking at "ladybugs." (what Reagan called every slide.)
The best part of the day was on the way home, I asked Reagan and Nolan what their favorite thing about the day was. The both said, "GRAMMY!" That drew a couple of tears from the front seats!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The kids woke up to a trail of eggs leading to their baskets. Nolan was very vocal, shouting "yeah, basket!" Reagan found her basket in the barnyard and that is where she took up camp to check out all her loot.
Sporting gardening gloves. Yes, Mommy is putting them to work this summer!
Nolan's "Oh, no. My mess" pose.
Reagan is getting some molars and was not her usual self, but Uncle John seemed to turn that around, but it was Nolan that had the most fun. I haven't heard him giggle for that long ever.
Hanging with Uncle Sam & Aunt Deb.
Food was abundant and wonderful, wine plentiful, and our moms and best friends to share it with. A perfect day.
Uncle John, Aunt Jan, Nonny Linda, Bill
Grammy, Reagan, Grandpa Fred
Grandma P, Reagan, Grammy
Saturday, April 11, 2009
We're hunting.....
Today while Reagan and Nolan napped the Easter Bunny paid an early visit so they could go out and have an egg hunt in the yard. Reagan was very interested. Nolan was interested for about 2 seconds until he saw a stick.....or wanted to climb the tree. Yep, all boy.
After picking up some eggs, we headed over to Mema's house for dinner and another egg hunt with my cousins and their families. Being an only child can make for lonely holidays, but I am lucky that is not the case for me. I am treated as just another wacky sibling there and my kids enjoyed hanging with their cousins. A special appearance was made by the cutest bunny I have ever seen!
Egg hunt #2
Checking out the haul @ egg hunt #2
My kids favorite part of the night.... getting new toothbrushes in their Easter loot! My dentist would be proud.
Friday, April 10, 2009
More Eggs Please
The egg coloring went pretty well until some (well, all) of the purple dye got spilled on Reagan's high chair and on Reagan. They were wearing old oversized t-shirts, but she will be sporting some purplish legs for a few days. Some of the dye got on her high chair and on our hard wood floor despite having plastic down.
To some a big deal. To me, not so much.
To me those stains (and as minuscule as they are, I bet I'm the only one that can even find them) are memories. From now on I'll look at that floor and think of Easter 2009 when my son had such a good time playing in the green dye that he looked like the incredible hulk....as did Uncle Sam who helped him and got pretty splashed up in the process. He would tell Uncle Sam "more eggs" and Uncle Sam would take the egg out of the cup and Nolan would put it right back in and stir it up with his wax crayon. Laughing the whole time. They had a good time. That is what being a kid is about.
Those stains are what will make this house our children's home. One I want them to have so much fun in. Messes and all.
Reagan got four eggs done before the accident. The first couple she thought she needed to lick when they came out of the dye. Once she was wet and sensing some irritation on Daddy's part, she was done. When she was offered to have Grammy give her a bath, she took it. She will have her fun when she gets to put stickers on the eggs.
Into each life a little purple egg dye must fall........
Reagan's steps of egg dying....dip, then suck. Yuck.

The day started off as Chief Wahoo Day (don't ask how the game turned out, it is still in rain delay as I type this) and ended with coloring Easter eggs. In between there was a shopping trip to BJ's, Marc's, 2nd birthday invitations assembled & mailed, and dinner at Trader Jacks. Phew.
Nolan's steps of egg dying. Dip, watch, dip again, stir, dip. WOW!
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