Shortly after Reagan and Nolan were born (well, really before they were born), my mom needed a hip replacement. She put it off to help me with the babies and then put it off even longer when she didn't want to miss a moments time with them. Last July she finally had it done and recovered very well. I've been hoping that she would finally feel up to an outing with the kids (we do the park, story times and shopping, but nothing with lots of walking) and we finally had some nice weather. Both Grammy and Mother Nature cooperated so off to the Farm Park we went. Perfect timing since we had some free tickets to use up before the end of the month.
Milking a cow...well, petting a cow, he couldn't reach the udder.

Riding the tractor to the barn.
Let's see what we have in here....
Looking at "ladybugs." (what Reagan called every slide.)
The best part of the day was on the way home, I asked Reagan and Nolan what their favorite thing about the day was. The both said, "GRAMMY!" That drew a couple of tears from the front seats!
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