It has, again, been a busy week filled with some firsts for Reagan and Nolan and stress for Mommy.
Their first blueberry ice cream sundae, their first car accident, first picnic, and drum roll please........ Nolan took a step (three seperate times.) We didn't get it on film or video (yet) because we were so shocked (and misty eyed) that we couldn't get to the camera in time.
No need to panic about the "accident." We were at the DQ drive thru, I wanted to get the kids an ice cream since it was a nice warm day. I was at a dead stop, looking for change and my foot slipped off the brake. I tapped the car in front of me and scrapped her bumper. No huge deal. Of course I said the F--- word loudly and scared Reagan so she started screaming. Needless to say by the time we got our ice cream and got settled it wasn't really worth eating. The next day we had to take Grammy on an errand and had a picnic in the metropark so we stopped at (our formerly) local ice cream spot in Euclid and got a blueberry sundae on the way home. They LOVED it. Lots of mmmm's.
On Friday we took them for their 1 year/cake smash portraits. If you have a Portrait Innovations near you, stop taking your kid where you currently go and give them a try. They are awesome and for $9.95 you get:
1 10X13
2 8X10
4 5X7
4 3X5
32 wallets
6 cards
Of course we spent way more than $9.95, but the twins only turn 1 once and out of the 67 pictures he took, at least half of them were awesome! Here is a little sneek peak.

Last night we had a blast with Greg, Laurie, Connie, Stephanie, and my mom. They came over to hang out and have dinner and somehow it ended up with Bill dragging out his old photo's from the 80's and we laughed and laughed over the fashion faux pas that my sweet hubby was. Hey, it was the 80's, what else can you say!!!
Today is Mommy's Day Out. I'm going with some girlfriends to do a hard-hat tour of the Hanna Theatre and late lunch at Melt, a restaurant that specializes in grilled cheese. Oh yeah, in less than two weeks we are having 108 (well, they all haven't RSVP'd yet, but that is the invite list) people over for the kids birthday...... like I have time to be having a girls day out, but I need it.
Let's see....what is on tap for next week......getting flowers and shrubs to plant in the front beds (hopefully I'll get them in before the party LOL), have dinner at Lolita (now that the kids eat food, they can enjoy the infamous Tuesday Pig Roasts), and a new gym & swim class.
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