Thursday, May 8, 2008

Starring Reagan & Nolan P.

Here is the montage I put together for Reagan and Nolan's birthday party. It is long....20 minutes, but then again it is for two kids :-) I can't watch it without crying, hell I can't even think about it without getting teary. All the cliches are true.... they changed my life, time flies, they grow everyday, they are the most wonderful children ever, etc!!!! These kids are the most loved children I have ever seen. They have so many people that care about them. They have no idea how lucky they are. They have aunts, uncles, and grandparents all over the world and as soon as they can ride a plane alone, they will be visiting-LOL! Thank you for sharing in all the moments, even the painful ones, this past year. It has been a fun ride!


Anonymous said...

Great job on the montage Shel! You have taken so many awesome pics of your kiddos!!


Anonymous said...

Make it SFO when they start visiting-more likely to get a non-stop flight. I'll be waiting at the gate.
I watched every minute of the montage, and now I'm late for work, but Reagan and Nolan are worth it! See you all next month.

Elsha said...

awww this is fantastic ~ made me teary!

Happy Birthday Reagan & Nolan. ~ hope the parcel arrives soon :)