Oh my domestic gods, what has happened to me?!?!?! I've spent the last 3 days sewing TWO celtic costumes for the medieval faire for TOMORROW and now I'm making homemade pickles.
We went to the Geauga Farmers Market this morning and I saw some cukes that looked ripe for the pickling, so I snatched them up. We also got some awesome garlic from Herbthyme and I happened to have pickling spice on hand since I won a whole basket of spices from Spicehound several months back. Voila. Pickles.
Things got really crazy when I decided to deviate from chips and do some spears too!
bubble, bubble
I'll let you know how they are in about a week. I've got a costume to finish.
I hope the pickles turn out. I really do love a good pickle. Had some fried pickles tonight they were so good!
Heart from "a bit south" LOL
When I grow up Shell, I wanna be just like you! hahaha
Although, (and don't repeat this to anyone cos I will just deny it) I have used my crockpot (alot).
There, I said it :)
Fried pickles are SO good! There is a restaurant near us that puts them on their diner burger.....so tasty.
Nothing wrong with crockpot cooking!!! If you have a roomba and a dishwasher, its almost like having a maid/cook at your house while you are working!
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