This blog was originally set up as a means of keeping friends and family updated during Nolan's surgery and hospital stay in January 2008. It has evolved into a report of the adventures he and his twin sister, Reagan, AKA "The Twinadoes" share with their family and friends. As well as our pursuit of happiness through food, wine, and friends.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Busy Babies
Saturday night we went to Carrie Cerino's with friends to celebrate Nolan's speedy recovery. The kids continue to do so well in restaurants. They can be occupied with food now so that helps the cause. We always get compliments from strangers on how well behaved they are. We are very proud of that and hope it continues. It is my vision that Reagan and Nolan will be dining at Lola for their 5th birthday. If their manners continue, that goal will be easily attainable.
A few photos from the last couple of days:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Daddy, Can You Spare A Dimebag?
This afternoon, my mom and I packed up the kids and met Bill and his mom at the Winking Lizard for dinner. We left the restaurant at the same time and it should have taken Bill an extra 15 minutes or so to drop his mom off and come home to help with the kids bedtime ritual of bottle, PJ's, floor playtime (they are CRAWLING! It happened overnight, I swear!), a story, and then into their sleeping sacks for lights out. Almost an hour goes by and no Bill. The phone rings. It is Bill, or as he said, Hello, I am a suspected drug dealer!!!! WTF??????
A little back story..... Bill's mom lives in a not-so-nice part of town. She has lived there a long time and was there long before it went south. We generally go to her neighborhood to pick her up for dinner, holidays, etc otherwise that is not a place I take the kids to just hang out. Bill is currently driving my (sniff, sniff) Orange (Cleveland Browns Orange) Land Rover. We have picked her up many times in that vehicle over the past 5 years.
As Bill is leaving her house tonight and is about to get on the freeway, the 5-0 come rolling up behind him. License and registration, please sir. What did I do? Sir, just stay in the vehicle.......
Turns out our vehicle was pinned for suspicious activity related to the sale of drugs in the neighborhood since it has been seen coming and going from the townhouse complex that Bill's mom lives in.
Glad to see the cities finest would think an alleged drug dealer would drive a freakin' ORANGE Land Rover and be dropping a little lady at her front door.
Wonder what will happen the next time I go over there in the Audi. Better have my papers in order!
(Bill Comments: it was actually more of suspicion of buying, not selling. I assume that they are targeting folks who get off the freeway, swoop into the neighborhood, and hop back on. A car that doesn't belong in the hood is easier to notice, and tag for a quick license and reg check. A satisfactory reason was good enoughfor them, and no third degree).
The kids are getting better at picking up finger foods and getting them into their mouths, so we let them try a french fry tonight.... MMMMM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Cabin Fever
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Nolan has Pseudostrabismus, meaning he really does not have cross-eyes, just the appearance of them (or as Bill calls it "Lucy Liu Syndrome.") That is right, it is all an illusion. (Gee, why can't that be the case for my thighs!)
They did find that he has astigmatism though and will need to be rechecked in 4 months. He could possibly need glasses if he doesn't grow out of it. How in the heck do you keep glasses on a 12 month old?!?!?
Ready to hit the road for the eye doc:
(Bill adds:)
Note Nolan's cap-he can pretend that he's a tailgunner in a B-17, just like the old man did back in the day (except the old man was able to freely sit in the back of the station wagon-like millions of other children who suffered no ill effects-without intervention from the children's services nazi's and dellusional politicians who go way out of their way to protect the weakest parts of the gene pool from themselves, but I digress). However, Nolan's ride is more like a B-52, than a B-17,
It's great to get Nolan and Reagan out and about again. Between the surgery and the non-stop work on the house this fall, we've been a bit remiss in the babies' fine dining adventures. While we did get to Carrie Cerinos before the Holidays, we have yet to try Bar Cento, and we haven't been able to go see Chef Matt (or maybe Michael) at Lolita.
*Ohio City
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
They're Back!
More Positive Steps
Reagan LOVED her breakfast this morning. I mixed a little maple syrup in with multi-gran cereal and bananas. She finished Nolan's off. Now that is a switch. Nolan is back to eating well too, had to be the codeine.
Nolan is playing more and more. I'm sure he is getting strength back. We have to remember this poor kid had most of the blood in his body transfused (2 units) and he received platelets after the surgery so he has a lot to rebound from. Judging from what other "cranio" parents have experienced post-op, what we are going through is completely normal. Most of them said total normalcy returned about 4 weeks post-op, so we are half-way there. We also have to be careful of his play since his soft spot is larger now. Dr. Papay offered a soft-sided helmet to help protect his head a bit, but we think it will cause more harm than good. Our house is pretty childproof and we never leave them alone on the floor so we will just be more vigilant.
Bill and I are so grateful for these two little miracles in our lives. And as my friend Nancy, a Grandma of twin girls, said, "If he were a singleton you would only have half the trouble right now -- but half the fun too." SO true. I couldn't imagine just getting half the smiles and kisses I get every day!
A funny side note. As you know, I LOVE my jacuzzi tub. Last night I get all settled in and get the water to just my liking. I go to turn off the faucet, turn the handle all the way to the right and it is still running.....full blast in the off position!!!! I can't even take a bath in peace, you just have to laugh!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Crib, For A Bit
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Where oh Where Has My Nolan Gone?
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Too tired to come up with a snarky title..... Things are finally catching up to us. All the stress of everything that happened coupled with lack of sleep hit Bill and I hard today. Luckily, we had leftovers from our Chinese take-out dinner with Grandpa Fred and Nonny Linda last night and my mom is bringing over some sloppy joe's.
Nolan is VERY needy. He won't let Mommy be out of his sight for more than a few minutes. He cries a lot. Of course we don't know if it pain or just being scared or just being an 8 month old. He cried so rarely before so this is hard for us to hear.
Judging by the picture, you'd never know Nolan is also having trouble sleeping. He wants to sleep on Mommy (where he is in the photo) or in our bed, not his crib. He starts off in his crib, but wakes after about an hour and cries and cries. He has learned to hold out his arms for you to pick him up so when you go in to see what is wrong, there he is, arms outstretched, tears streaming down the face. Kind of hard to resist at the moment with that snaking scar across his head staring at you. We'll have some work (and sleepless nights) to do in a week or so, once we know he is beyond pain. I can imagine he must have some killer headaches after having his head opened up and then put back together with plates and screws! If he would just stop spitting out his Tylenol III things might be better.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Working on Normal
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
One For The Road
There's No Place Like......
Monday, January 7, 2008
9 O'Clock and All's Well

Whatchu lookin' at?

Dr. Lucciano, the neurosurgeon, stopped in this a.m., and I was happy to see him. He is still extremely pleased with how Nolan is doing. He thinks that, underneath the swelling, Nolan now more closely resembles Reagan.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
More Of A Lateral Move.....

Movin' On Down!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The Saturday Evening Post
On the Nolan front..... We are still in the PICU. Everyone was saying we would probably move today, but that is not going to happen. Nolan was weaned off his morphine drip earlier and onto Tylenol w/codeine, but that didn't work out. He was pretty upset this afternoon and it is the first time we saw real tears from him during all of this so he got a dose of morphine. I will not let my boy be in pain.
His swelling is up considerably this afternoon. It was very upsetting for me to walk in and see him today. They told me that it is possible that his swelling could get so bad that his eyelids flip inside out. It also causes him trouble breathing when he tries to eat. Think about being all stuffed up with a cold and not being able to breath out of your mouth. No fun. I know in a few days it will go down, but it is really hard to see him this way.
A bit of irony for Browns fans: The two rooms across the hall from us in the PICU are occupied by Braylon and Brady!

Miss Reagan had a good morning with Mommy. We ran to the store to stock up on beverages and snacks so we can just keep a stash in the car and when Daddy and I rotate shifts we can take stuff to the room.
We also stopped to get she and Nolan some new pants. She is growing up and out so fast we can't keep her in pants.
It was very weird for me to only have Reagan with me. While it may be back breaking to lug two babies around, they are so much fun that I don't care. We were, however, able to get in and out of the store faster since we didn't get stopped by so many people and have to answer the eternal question "Are they identical?"
Reagan "talked" to Nolan's picture this morning over plums, bananas, and oats. She is still looking at his highchair, wondering where he is. I brought a pair of her PJ's for Nolan to smell today. He grabbed them and held them up to his face for a while. I'm sure he misses her. I know I miss them being together terribly.

For those of you that have been on the receiving end of one of Reagan's glares, you know this face well.
For those of you that haven't..... be afraid, be very afraid!
Beans, Beans, the Magical
Promising Morning
Like "Seinfeld", a lot about Nothing
Friday, January 4, 2008
Changing of the Guard
Grammy Judy, Reagan, and I got here about 2p, and we let Grammy sit with Nolan for a while. It took me a second to get used to how Nolan looked. I was totally ok with the closure pictures Shelley posted earlier, as I initially expected a zigzag stitch akin to the southern end of a north-bound Singer. I was more pleased with the wavy, more natural incision. I was not quite used to the amount of swelling, however, even though I knew would happen. It was a bit of a shock (I thought, “Why is Christina Ricci sleeping in Nolan’s bed?”).
Our friend Kay spent time with me, after Shelley went to have some more mommy-time with Reagan and get some rest. We watched the little guy stir a little bit, as they took a blood sample, but they also gave him his Tylenol. He’s been doing so well, that they’ve cut his morphine drip in half. At 5p, I fed him 4oz of Enfamil, which was his first real food! Not quite a beef-cheek pierogi, or a chilaquile, but I’m sure it was just fine. At shift change, our night PICU nurse Stephanie figured he was hungry, so we let him chug down THREE bottles, and that took less than 10 minutes. He just finshed, had his after-dinner paci, and is drifting back off.
Mommy was just putting Reagan to bed, and then had to take care of a small emergency. It appears that Boxster, our middle kitty, spent a “day in the big city”. The back door was open for a little while this morning, and she took the opportunity to make a brief sojourn. This was her first jail break in 11 years, and couldn’t have come at a worse time. She was found curled under the smoker, after Shelley followed the paw prints in the snow (don’t they teach you to wade up-stream in E and E school?). She’s now inside, warm and wolfing down crunchies.
While Nolan drifts off, I'm having a bite (Subway veggie on honey oat with a side of McD's trans fat sticks-the Enfamil is starting to look pretty good).
Food, Glorious...... Glucose Water!?!?!?!?
Home Front

All Reports Look Good
5am and all is well
Thursday, January 3, 2008
4:45 pm

1:10 Update
Thursday 8:20am