After all he has been through, Nolan is still smiling and giggling!The swelling will take upwards of two weeks to be completely gone, but as long as Nolan can see all is right in his world. He has a crib full of toys, but right now he is currently swinging his monkey around by its tail. His Cookie Monster made an appearance today and he was very happy to see him.
As Daddy said in the previous post, things are a bit tougher now that Nolan is no longer in the morphine haze he was kept in for 4 days. He wants to be active.
About 7:30p they removed the drain and that was not pleasant for the little guy, but he calmed down in minutes while we watched a little Harry Potter. (I brought all of them to watch and I am exactly 56 minutes and 48 seconds into the FIRST one! What was I thinking! LOL )
Now we've got Reagan to worry about. She is under the weather. Running a slight temp. and having stomach flu issues. UGH She did the projectile vomit for me last night that landed her in the bathtub just as she was ready for bed and tonight it was the other end for Daddy. I know Reagan loves to get a bath, but this is crazy!! I'm nervous about bringing Nolan home and potentially exposing him to this, but there is not much we can do except use lots of anti-bacterial wipes and soap.
Bill said he'd like to go sit outside and have a drink tonight since it so (unseasonably) warm here. I wish I could join him. We get one more warm day before the cold front comes through, maybe he and I will get to do that tomorrow while both are kids are in their room, in their own cribs snoozing for the night! Yes, they have mentioned the "H" word. HOME. Possibly tomorrow. Tomorrow would have been my Dad's 64th birthday so it would be very apropos for Nolan to come home on his Grandpap's birthday. After all he is Nolan's biggest angel.
1 comment:
Shelley, What a differance a day makes! Nolan is looking great. It is wonderful to see his baby blue's and that smile and to see you smile. We hope Reagan will be feeling better fast, and that tomorrow you will have both of your sweet babies sleeping in their own beds.
Big Hugs,
J & J
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