...but a step closer to home!
We are out of the PICU and on a "clean" floor, meaning no kids with RSV or the like are allowed on this floor. It is a step-down unit on the other side of the PICU. Nolan made a great first impression by pulling out his own IV in his wrist. Guess it was time for it to go! There is one more in his foot and the drain in his incision, but that is it.
Aunty Kathy, Uncle John, and Aunt Jan happened by at just the right time and were a big help in getting Nolan and Mommy moved. Daddy and Grammy showed up, and Nolan reached out and latched onto daddy as soon as he heard his voice. He also started a little chuckling and giggling, which means normality continues to creep back.
I'm going back home to stay with Reagan, as daddy stays with our little guy tonight.
So glad that things are progressing - slowly but surely! Our thoughts and healing energies continue to go your way!
Nancy and Bob
Hello Shelly and family
I am so glad to read the updates. We will need to plan a NOLAN party soon.
You have and will still be in my prayers and thoughts.
You are all so loved.
I will be out of commission for a while I had a little accident and have to have surgery on my foot Wed. They say in and out but no priving 2 weeks and 5-8 weeks with a cast. FUN! I will be here is you need anything please let me know. even if you need to vent at 2 in the am let me know. I am here for you all. SHEL- Now Nolan can borrow mom's hard had for the attic :) Love and hugs,
I'm glad that Nolan is making progress. I hope that he continues to improve. Lots of prayers for you!
emily and family (from DWLZ)
Congrats on moving out of the PICU Nolan! What terrific news!!! Sending you lots of prayers and healing thoughts :)
Love, Lori A. and family
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